A Clockwork Drag Queen 2

Grymm Ramblings

Behold! Its time to get into the meat of this story arc! We mark the occasion by me fixing the the story title to what it should have been last week "A Clockwork Drag Queen". I had completely forgotten until CreepKnight jabbed me in the head with a half rotten slab of bologna and threaten to brow beat me. Hahaha... I kid. It was fresh bologna. But honestly, who can tell the difference?

What can you expect fromĀ  this arc? More Bowler and Mirth. Beyond that... I'm keeping quiet. We have a few awesome surprises that will confuse, bewilder, and maybe even arouse you before its all done. Strap in folks. Its time for fun.

See ya Tuesday*!

*We may be changing our update schedule in the next couple of weeks. Nothing big though. It'll just be a switch from updating on Tuesdays to updating on Mondays. Friday updates will remain firm and unwavering like Shmeerm's chin!

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