Eye’s Wide Open 20: That’s Not Chipotle, Bitches!

Grymm Ramblings

Most all of the art for this page was done while listening to Jimmy Urine on repeat. Mostly just this song on repeat: . What can I say? Mindless Self Indulgence makes a for good work music. And animation. Anyone catch the last season of Star vs. the Forces of Evil? Good shit. I swear, animation has thoroughly embraced and run with just being gay as hell and I fucking love it. I'm chalking it up to the end of Legend of Korra. Next comic page is well in the works. Inks are in progress now. The rough lines are up on Patreon. As always you can join us on Patreon if you want to stay up to date with how the art's progressing. Roughs, inks, colors, and the finished, lettered comics get posted there just as soon as they're done! All righty, time to go ink some legs before passing out for the night. -We love you all.        

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 20: That’s Not Chipotle, Bitches!

  1. This is why you put the goggles over your eyes, and not just as a fashion thing to look all steampunky.

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