Kill Your Heroes 38: All Part of the Plan

Grymm Ramblings

Nothing to report. All goes as planned. Just a reminder that there are new designs available on the VW RedBubble store!   VW Sigul Trio Science Badger Approved

0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 38: All Part of the Plan

  1. ….Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned

  2. Scorned? Scorned? We left scorn a pitiful whimpering roadbump about three miles back after we tossed it from this doombuggy into a ditch… We are now into Armageddon levels of PISSED. I almost feel bad for Rip… Almost… naw.. not at all…. hehehe

    1. True, but she’s totally going to rip out someone’s spleen for this in true fury style. Maybe even reanimate his corpse for it.

  3. It’s Alive!

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