Resignation Letter 3

Grymm Ramblings

(Disclaimer: Grymm has apparently taken to voluntarily convulsing, giggling at the "Turtles Forever" movie, and binging on Coke and Reese's Miniatures. So Grymm's usual 'Ramblings' have been outsourced to a homeless man CreepKnight found in Arkansas last year.)

Well boys and girls, looks like our old friends Grymm and Villemous have done gone up and quit-ify on Old Man Cyradwee. Gotta wonder how much trouble this is gonna cause all around.

Keep on comin' back and joinin' us t'find out now. Y'hear?

2 thoughts on “Resignation Letter 3

  1. Now, THAT was a resignation letter!

  2. Heeheehee. Thank ye, we certainly think it was a unique way of handling things.

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