A Clockwork Drag Queen 4

Grymm Ramblings

We're intent on fueling your nightmares. I'd like to think that this is our own unique way of celebrating the wonder that is the Rocky Horror Picture Show and the shadowcasts its spawned over the years. ... We celebrate things in weird ways. Interesting Tidbit!: In real life, Shmeerm himself greets everyone with a hearty "Fuck you". This led us to believe that "Fuck you" was simply Canadian for "Hello." Long story short... we're never allowed back into Canada and border guards may or may not have orders to shoot us on sight. Tidbit 2!: Richmond, Virginia has its own Rocky Horror Picture Show, Orgasmic Rush of Lust, that performs every other weekend at Movieland. Don't worry... their Frankenfurters are much hotter than Shmeerm. Come back next week! Things get even worse/better! Until then, feel free to join the Voodoo Walrus on Facebook! That way we can mock your status updates, make confusing comments on your pics, and judge you based on the silly flash games you play! Also so that we may gain more evidence that everyone who reads Voodoo Walrus is absolutely smokin' hot.

3 thoughts on “A Clockwork Drag Queen 4

  1. She is ugly, all lumpy and dark, icky

    1. Oh no, Shmeerm’s ugly and lumpy because he’s a man. That’s just a disguise!

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