Extra Credit 25: Gotta Make It Stick

Grymm Ramblings

The lateness of this page is all on my and my second guessing my ability to draw goopy, soupy, skeleton mans. My apologies.

In other news, do you like supporting indie content creators AND getting neat things? Well, boy howdy are you going to like the changes we've made to the Voodoo Walrus Patreon then!

We've massively streamline our support tiers so you can can actually get stuff every month!

Tier $1:

-Monthly CreepKnight Family War Wisdom entries: We've been having a lot of fun with these as a little bits of world building. You get to a peek at what CreepKnight's extended family is like and how much of a threat to everything they really are. I'm a big fan of just how many entries come from Elder Hugo P. CreepKnight's worst selling book series "Crazy? I'm Not Crazy! You're Crazy! Oh no? Well We'll Just See About THAT Won't We???!!!!!!!!" 

-You also get to see all the work in progress files for pages as they're completed. That includes getting to see the finished comic as soon as it's ready to go.

Tier $5:

-You get all the above AND you're enrolled in the Voodoo Walrus monthly sticker club. Each month you're get an envelope of VW goodness you can stick anywhere and everywhere. They might be shirt designs you've seen before, remastered comic panels, or brand new designs we've yet to officially roll out!

Tier $10

-Everything in the first two tiers is yours!

-You'll also get a VW magnet included in your sticker pack.

-You get access to bonus comics whenever they roll out. Whether they're CreepKnight vs. Crow, Cast Confessionals, or anything else we might dredge up from the cellar of our collective imagination.

The April sticker and magnet packs will be going out next week, so if that sounds appealing to you, jump on it and get you some VW swag. Fresh from the Walrus House Print Beast to your taloned flesh slicers!



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