Eggrolls 9

Grymm Ramblings

We understand you. You get it. We know what you want: Insanity, cleavage, fetish wear, and ninja beatdowns. "But Grymm! Ninjas are awesome!",  you warble out your noise hole at me. Too bad. Pirates trump ninjas. And Voodoo Walrus Productions employs only those with pirate blood pumping through their veins. Though we have been known to display slight ninja characteristics at times. Still no one with less than 51% ninja heritage is allowed to serve under the Voodoo Walrus banner. On a serious note though, I didn't realize until well after the fact that ehas once again upped the lettering ante and improved lettering for the Walrus even further. Check that shit out people. Now you get to see which words are stressed and emphasized. Now you get to feel just a little bit closer to your favorite characters and the horrible things they do. Aren't you so very lucky? yes you are! Yes you are!

One thought on “Eggrolls 9

  1. Finding new ways to confuse our readers got tagged 28 times? I’d think that would be the most often used tag!

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