After Wrath 5

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 5

  1. *twitch* Aaannnnd fresh nightmare fodder.

  2. Good bedside manner, and, uhhh, I guess Tokyo’s next?
    I really don’t get this guy, but his beard has got zazz.

  3. Bad dreams again Grymm? You know what it does to the comic.

  4. I’ll have to say the most disturbing part about this entire page is how that guy looks like a male version of Doc.

  5. … I want those shades. Those are sunglasses, right? Not just his eyes – ohgodarethosehiseyes

    1. Now that you mention it… Looks close. Take note of how everything has shading to it. Except for each set of eyes and teeth you see. But hey, the glasses have shading don’t- oh. Ooooooh. Oh no.

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