Wrath of Con 44: We Don’t Even Know Any More

Some one, some where will claim none of this makes sense. To that we ask, "Were we making sense before? Christ. Dropped the ball on that didn't we?" Also, Halloween is the only real holiday.  

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 44: We Don’t Even Know Any More

  1. Nah, It all makes sense just in a Voodoo Walrus-y way.

  2. What no caffeinated water? I’m shocked and saddened.

    1. Rip took all the caffeinated water with him to his evening panel. He claims that it works wonders for his complexion.

  3. Where does one GET 60-hour energy? Can it legally be transported over state lines?
    Given the things I’ve done after being bored and determined enough to drink a rather large Rockstar and left alone for too long it would probably be a bad idea but I’m curious. For those curious, I “optimized” someone’s living room and may or may not have brandished a broadsword at drunk neighbors who made the mistake of invading my porch.

  4. So… absurd amounts of Doom Cola and a mug of Billy’s Black Blood of Bedevilment… produce an effect Similar to Dinosaur vitamins and Blitzgrun.



  5. Ah Mirth, how I love you in your overcaffinated spastic glory….

  6. BrickJAK BouncerPants

    With each appearance; Mirth reminds me more and more of my roomie. It frightens me to no end that you said she’s based off a local friend. That means there are TWO of her (or more).

    While everyone was wondering about Mirth’s bilocation at the con panel; I was thinking “Oh Crap! Mirth met Jaime!”

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