The Shawshank Vivisection 2: Fwip!

Grymm Ramblings

The terrible thing about having a backlog of finished strips? Knowing exactly what the finished, written, and lettered pages look like for the next two updates and not being able to wait to show them off. Because they're goddamn awesome. But alas, patience is a virtue and we worked hard to get a nice little buffer up again. In other news, I'm currently listening to the end credit theme for Portal 2 on repeat. I don't really play video games. There's a long and sordid and abusive history there. So I stick to the occasional evening of side scrolling beat 'em ups or new Mortal Kombat with CK down in the bowels of the castle and leave it at that. Other than that, I don't touch games. I'm not even sure how to navigate the interface of a console machine anymore. Its like black magic now compared to the simple days of shoved a clunky piece of plastic and circuitry into a larger box of plastic and circuitry, flipping a button and then proceeding to fire spiky blue impossible shells at plumbers until their died. All while screaming maniacally. However, I do keep an eye on the industry. I find it fascinating. I also tend to look up plots in wikis or listen to "Let's Plays" of game while I work. Portal is one of those games that while I've never played it, I heard plenty about it, its story, its memes, and seen enough videos that I find it terribly amusing. Thus, I'm listening to Want You Gone on repeat as I type all this up and await CK to upload Walrus related stuff to the castle's internal server for me to look at. He's been cackling madly all day from his writing lair so I'm looking forward to what he's come up with.   Also, check this out. We now have donation incentives. This is the first of many different desktop wallpaper images we're going to release!

Voodoo Walrus Medicine

For  a minimum donation of 99 cents (though please, feel free to be more generous than that if you'd like!), you can download the full size image for yourself! Three different resolutions even! To better fit your machine! You'll not only be helping the Walrus, but you'll be getting fancy art too! Not available anywhere else! As for those of you that prefer manly beefcakedness, you have not been forgotten though. The next wallpaper will be just for you! Just give us a bit okay? This is a busy time of year! Also, many, many thanks to Marron for getting the code for this ready and creating the NEW WALLPAPER PAGE while we've been handling other business matters! Please make sure you click on the orange “Return” button on the PayPal site to be directed back to and the page where you can download the wallpaper. We love you all. Except for you in the back. Yeah. You stop making picking your nose and giving us the stinkeye before we spray you down with squirt bottles full of mystery chemicals.

0 thoughts on “The Shawshank Vivisection 2: Fwip!

  1. Wow they must really like him. The hug me jacket and the bouncy room all to himself. Special times….special times. As for the wallpaper, does it come with a mop and bucket for all the drool?? Wonderful work gentlemen. And CK did warn you to get earplugs Grymm. So any complaints about his cackling and or screaming of video game lines should be sent to the furnace where you send spam.

    1. Indeed. Obviously Cyradwee just isn’t looking at his situation in the proper way!

  2. I know the trouble that you have seen Cyrwadee….. I have crept around your trashcans and broken into your house to fawn over your diary. Also, that mole on your ass, seriously. Get that fucker checked out. It’s starting to disturb me every time I creep into your room at night to listen to the assorted howls of agony and torture that make up the way you exhale air.

    1. Hey! He LIKES that mole! He cultivating it into something terrible and horrifying!

  3. Is that a tail-coat or trench coat straight jacket? I need a pattern either way.

    It’s nice to know that his jailers either have a fashion sense for their captives or he can slightly modify the world around him based on his sensibilities. Needs a hat still though.

    1. Just a straightjacket with plenty of extra fabric to insure creativity or possible self injury via accident. The hat has been mysteriously absent for a long while though… Interesting.

      1. aww… Crush my dreams of a fashionable straight jacket. I guess I’ll just have to settle for the one I have. Need to invest in the bolero style one.

        1. Never abandon the dream of interesting alternative fashion. If you see as a fashionable straighjacket, run with it and draw up a pattern. If you see it as tasty pork roast, get your checked.

  4. Ick, seafoam green. A color I despise on guitars, trucks, and clothing. Let the crazies have only seafoam green! I’ll be sure not to join them.

    1. I’d like to think they specifically chose to give him scrubs of such a color to further torture his mind.

  5. Good to see Cyradwee’s dissection allergy cleared up.

    Also, I’ve been awake since Friday! More on that when I wake up.

    1. He can shrug off dissection, stabbery, disembowelment and decapitation. But he just never managed to remove his ability to succumb to loneliness. How sad… At least we’ll always have his sandwor- Oh. Wait. Nevermind.

  6. Awwww, poor bastard. But hey at least they didnt throw him into a room with spiked walls and floor…now that I think of it that would be kinda neat. Well I’m off to the hardware store to fetch me a lot of nails and some goggles (safety first you know). Excellent job as always…I shall provide offering of candy, booze, and caffeinated drinks to you at the next full moon.

  7. Quick question;

    Is it wrong that I feel sympathy for Cyradwee? ‘Cause I do.


    1. No, no it’s not. Even evil bastards need sympathy sometimes

    2. No, not at all! But if you’re sympathizing with him now, just wait till Friday. It gets so much worse!

      1. From the bottom of my bloodlust, I thank you.

      2. *gleeful bouncing* Is CK having you draw a gorefest that will leave me scared for hours?

    3. To feel sympathy for Cyradwee no. At one point he was a sentient being. To feel sympathy for the scum sucking, soul breaking, idea stifling arrogant bastard known as an editor……they being too nice.

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