Wrath of Con 28: Between a Rack and a Soft Place

Grymm Ramblings

You have no idea how long it took me to do the art for this page. Pretty always takes SO VERY MUCH LONGER than anything else. On a completely different note, there will be a new t-shirt/print design ready soon. WHO LIKES SCIENCE BADGERS WIELDING POWER TOOLS? More info when available. In the meantime, help us keep Voodoo Walrus self sufficient by buying the Voodoo Walrus Volume 1 PDF! You get all kinds of sexy and amusing extras in it that you'll never see here on the site! Join us next week for bondage demons and naked body painting.

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 28: Between a Rack and a Soft Place

  1. “Join us next week for bondage demons and naked body painting.”…Have I told you guys just how awesome you are? 

    I love the facial expressions. I AM kinda** worried that those months with Rip may have left an impression on Bowler.

    **very worried… I hate when women get that look on their face regarding a relationship not involving them.

  2. Robbie Quattrocchi

    mmmm, Ona

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