Wrath of Con 5: The Long, Violate-y Tea Time of the Soul

Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that we were just about to hit the magic, super secret number of sold Volume 1 PDF's that would greenlight pre-production of the better, more awesome, super special, we-now-know-what-the-hell-we're-doing Volume 2 PDF. That said, what kind of stuff might you like to see in Volume 2? Random sketchwork? Original scripts? Shmeerm in his Dr. Frankenfurter cosplay? Maybe something we haven't even thought of before? All we can say for sure right now is like Volume 1, Volume 2 will feature never before seen cover art and it will contain all of 2010's run of the Walrus. So throw out your ideas for exclusive bonus content you'd like to see either by leaving a comment below, or emailing them to us at After all, the PDF's are for you fine and wonderful folks who love the Walrus and continue to support its existence. So let your opinion be known!     Want to help support Voodoo Walrus, contribute to making it more awesome, and get exclusive art and extra goodies? Buy the Volume 1 PDF! It'll lower your cholesterol and protect you from vampires. Trust us. We're doctors. Of Awesome.

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 5: The Long, Violate-y Tea Time of the Soul

  1. Sense of any kind at all is irrelevant in a den of madness!

  2. Maybe a few bonus wallpapers for those good enough to buy the second?

  3. Damn you Walrus Embracers!!! BUY THE PDF!!! I need a second one.

    1. I told you not to load the PDF into an AI platform.
      I said not to give it free will, but no.
      I said not to put it in a cocktail dress, but no.

      I’m not cleaning this up. The tea room, the pool, the bloody mess of tentacles and ichor writhing out of its circuitry – not my problem.

      1. But it SCIENCE man!!! It must be tried. Besides everything was fine till it started humping the computer.

        1. If this has taught us anything, it’s that the mainframe can take a pneumatic molesting. My leg, secretary, and copy of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” cannot.

        2. This is my impression of you two


  4. The title is a Dirk Gently reference! Dirk “Svlad Cjelli” Gently! Bring Earl Grey Grey, Will! Salutations await!

    1. *Bring the cup of tea, spikes it with ichor from the pdf incident.* 42.

      1. Don’t make me Frogstar you.

        1. Mercenary Clown

          Thats so…evil…and unethical, and horrible….
          can i help?

  5. The surprise violations is what makes it a real party! An unaccounted for Phalangeing appendage is amusement.

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