Oh Dear Gods, The Horror, The Horror

Today's colors brought to you by Marron,the Voodoo Walrus colorist, web mistress, site designer, and grand poo-bah of the Las Vegas Branch of the Central Voodoo Walrus offices. Thank her for her awesomeness. Thank her! On your knees, damn you!

Grymm Ramblings

The madness begins to ebb, but the hallucinations stop by to say hello....

I generally dislike anime. This strip reminds me why. Because a lot of anime, not all, but a lot of it, is so easy to draw in a mediocre fashion that it makes me physically and mentally ill.

That catgirl panel? It took a fraction of the time to complete than any other Voodoo Walrus panel ever. Even any of the panels from the now infamous and rare "Doc and Mac have a naked dildo swordfight in a blackouted room deep underground" comic.

That's why the anime-esque styles are so widespread amongst young and up and coming artists. Its insanely easy to output generic and easily recognizable art with minimum effort.

Now obviously the above is a gross generalization that does not reflect all anime artists and fans. I've seen a handful of animes that I truly enjoy including FLCL, and the current revised runs of Hellsing and Fullmetal Alchemist. There's also some freelance artists out there that stick to the anime styles and do truly amazing work because they strive to improve it and make it their own. But there's entirely too many artists and too many animes that think its okay to just put out the least amount of effort possible. And THAT  is what I despise.

That's enough out of me for now. I have commissions to color.

One thought on “Oh Dear Gods, The Horror, The Horror

  1. Wheatly Laboratories

    Dear Lord! He’s regressed into a lower lifeform!

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