The Revenge of Captain Thud 11: Look Out! Its the Plot! Its Comin’ Right For Us!

Grymm Rambling

I want to share something neat with you. Thanks go to Mirth who brought this to my attention:

You have absolutely no idea how much I love animation that looks like the creators had a blast making. And I can't help but love a grandpa type character referring to a a little boy as Billy. Its the only proper way of things. (I do so hope the child isn't actually named Billy)

One thought on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 11: Look Out! Its the Plot! Its Comin’ Right For Us!

  1. Costume change indeed. Nothing worse than arriving at a party in your full Grand Marquis of Heck get up, and find that they’ve gone pirate on you with out so much as a ‘matey’. There were peg-legs when I arrived, but when I left they had purpose. And not the ones God intended them for. Ones that give you a reason to cry like a emo-bitch.

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